What is the Gospel?
It is the good news.
It is God’s love manifested and magnified in the personification of His only Beloved Son to undo all the works of the devil.
God loves you!
Approach My throne of grace boldly for I love you just the way you are!
I sent My only Beloved Son as the Man Jesus from Nazareth to die on the Cross just for you! I sent Him for you!
See My love for you in Him. I Am for you.
I am not visible to you. But I have sent my only Beloved Son to be the Man Jesus so that you can see Me in Him. When you see Him, you see Me; see Him, see Me.
I know you are doing what you do because of the devil's lies.
The reason I made My only Beloved Son visible is to undo all the works of the devil. I have anointed Him to do all that. My Beloved Son has routed the devil by His Resurrection.
Never mind what other people are saying about you.
Never mind what you are saying about yourself.
I have chosen you to be My child before the foundation of the world.
I have stamped My Ownership of you in your biological settings.
Come to me just the way you are!
God is saying through the Bible:
Are you into all kinds of vices?
Are you notoriously evil?
Are you feeling crushed by life?
Are you without any real friends?
However big a mess you are in right now, come to Me!
Approach My throne of grace boldly for I love you just the way you are!
I sent My only Beloved Son as the Man Jesus from Nazareth to die on the Cross just for you! I sent Him for you!
See My love for you in Him. I Am for you.
I am not visible to you. But I have sent my only Beloved Son to be the Man Jesus so that you can see Me in Him. When you see Him, you see Me; see Him, see Me.
I know you are doing what you do because of the devil's lies.
The reason I made My only Beloved Son visible is to undo all the works of the devil. I have anointed Him to do all that. My Beloved Son has routed the devil by His Resurrection.
Never mind what other people are saying about you.
Never mind what you are saying about yourself.
I have chosen you to be My child before the foundation of the world.
I have stamped My Ownership of you in your biological settings.
Come to me just the way you are!
2Your teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes which have come up from the washing, of which all are in pairs, and none is missing among them.
3Your lips are like a thread of scarlet, and your mouth is lovely. Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate behind your veil.
4Your neck is like the tower of David, built for an arsenal, whereon hang a thousand bucklers, all of them shields of warriors.
5Your two breasts are like two fawns, like twins of a gazelle that feed among the lilies.
6Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, [in my thoughts] I will get to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense [to him whom my soul adores].
7[He exclaimed] O my love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you!Laminin is the protein molecule that holds our bodies together. It takes the shape of a Cross.
God has so fashioned us after Him that He stamped His ownership all over and in us.
There are millions and millions of microscopic crosses inside each and every one of us, with one big giant Cross pointing to the love of God for us!
22So for the present you are also in sorrow (in distress and depressed); but I will see you again and [then] your hearts will rejoice, and no one can take from you your joy (gladness, delight).
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