Note: The article is extracted from Joyce Meyer's "Enjoying Everyday Life" magazine [May 2012 issue). Be a partner with Joyce Meyer's Ministries and receive a copy on a regular basis.
See how Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, is reaching out to the four corners of the world to help hurting people.
See how Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, is reaching out to the four corners of the world to help hurting people.
NB: We are not affiliated with Joyce Meyer Ministries. We are sharing what we find beneficial.
Jesus began His public ministry in Nazareth. It was the town where He grew up, where all His close friends and family lived - where any one of us would have expected plenty of hugs and hand claps of encouragement. But for Jesus, it was not a good experience.
The crowd was happy with Jesus' teachings to a point but when His words became a little more direct and corrective, the Bible says they became so enraged that the actually tried to kill Him (see Luke 4:28,29).
Jesus didn't stick around to defend the validity of His ministry. Verse 30 says, But passing through their midst, He went on His way.
Jesus walked about thirty miles to Capernaum. There, He preached to large crowds, performed miracles and cast out devils from among the people - and they were just so happy. They said, "Stay with us, Jesus. This is Your spot!" Well, who wouldn't want to stay where everybody loves and appreciates you? But Jesus didn't hang around there either because He knew there were others who needed to hear His message.
There's a major lesson to be learned here. See, Jesus wasn't moved by people's rejection nor was He moved by their acceptance. He was moved by the Spirit of God.
"Jesus wasn't moved by people's rejection nor was He moved by their acceptance. He was moved by the Spirit of God."
What Do You Do When Others Reject You
Have you ever tried to help someone who didn't really want to be helped out of their situation? You know, we tend to think that if we could just explain things a little more clearly or be a better witness, they could be helped. But honestly and truly, we've got to know when to break free from the burden of false responsibility.
In Matthew 10, Jesus was sending out His disciples, and He told them that if they went to a town and the people didn't accept them, they should shake the dust off their feet and go to the next town.
What does that mean for you personally? It means if someone doesn't want to be helped, you can continue to pray on their behalf, but you are not obligated to try and change them.
The world is full of hungry, hurting people who would love to get every crumb of love and encouragement you have to give them. SO when one person rejects you, don't let that stop you. Do what Jesus did. Move on to the next person and the next person until somebody wants what you've got.
What to Do When Others Ask Too Much
What to Do When Others Ask Too Much
Now, there are going to be others in your life who love and appreciate you and won't ever want you to leave their side. And it's tempting to stay around people like that because they genuinely care about you. But if you choose to stay in that same small circle, you won;t be able to reach out to others in need - and that's where God wants out focus to be.
I think it would absolutely set the church on fire if every Christian would realize they have what it takes to make a difference in the lives of others.
Pursuing God's Wonderful Plan for You
Now, if you're a new Christian, take some time to learn about who you are in Christ before you really start ministering to people. It's important to reach out to others because you love God and you're following His lead, not because you're pressured to do good works to feel good about yourself. And those of us who do know the Word and who we are in Christ, it's time to step up and say, "Okay, I'm filled up to the brim with the Word. Now it's time for me to start giving out what God's given me".
Just as God said to Abraham, "I will bless you and I will make you a blessing, causing you to dispense good to others," He will also do the same through us (see Genesis 12:2).
When you go to church, go with a purpose. Think about how you can help others and lift them up. Then go out armed and ready, prayed up and looking for someone to bless.
The truth is, if you will regularly reach out to help people, edify them, encourage them, and treat them the way you want to be treated, you will be one of the most spiritually fulfilled and fruitful Christians working in the world today.
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