• This is me.

    Welcome to my site!
  • God is good!

    He is my Abba Father!
  • Relax.

    In Him I have my rest.
  • Blur.

    I am lost without Him.
  • He finds me cute.

    He even bothers to count my hair!
  • Tantrums.

    He puts up with my tantrums.
  • I'm no good without Him.

    In Him I can do all things!
  • God is Good!

    He is so all the time!

Radical Grace Through Radical Means!


We will miss alot of what the Bible contains if we do not see and understand the literal and symbolic meanings of the Bible’simages. 

This Dictionary of Biblical Imagery was conceived as areference book that would assist readers, students and communicators of the Bible in exploring the fascinating andvaried world of the imagery, metaphors and archetypes ofthe Bible.  

Despite approximately 850 articles, this Dictionary is not comprehensive. We believe that our readers, as they work with this Dictionary , will see that they can launch out on their own and explore other facets of biblical imagery. 


Brought to you by: Enjoying the Bible.

Pack Up Your Troubles!

It is not the how but the Who! It is not about the manner but the Source!

We don’t have to agree on how the goodness of God has manifested in our respective lives. We need only to agree that God is good; His goodness as seen and demonstrated in His only Beloved Son as Jesus the Man from Nazareth.

To be entangled in an argument over the how inevitably distracts us from the Source. It produces unnecessary conflicts as one tries to negate the truth of God’s goodness as manifested in the life of another.

Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  

So pack up your troubles and look to Jesus the Christ; the only Beloved Son of God!

Foundation Scripture

1 John 1:9 [AMP]
If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].

The confession of sins in 1 John 1:9 is not the sin of my actions (sin as verb) but the source of my actions (sin as noun).

Noun is a place, thing or person and verb are action words.

The confession of this underpinning sin (noun), the source of my sins (verb), and how God has freed me from it will inevitably leads to praise and thanksgiving.

The Confession
I confess the underlying sin, the source of my actions. That underlying sin that has so engulfed me. The hideous sin under whom I was powerless and enslaved.

Romans 5:12 [AMP]
Therefore, as sin came into the world through one man, and death as the result of sin, so death spread to all men, [no one being able to stop it or to escape its power] because all men sinned.

“All men sinned” as in all men have been captured by sin [noun]; satan himself.

All of my actions are propelled by that sin; fear, worries, anxieties, lack, condemnation and the likes; the formative process leading to death.

Romans 7 describe how powerless I am against sin.

Romans 7:15-21
15 For I do not understand my own actions [I am baffled, bewildered]. I do not practice or accomplish what I wish, but I do the very thing that I loathe [which my moral instinct condemns].
16 Now if I do [habitually] what is contrary to my desire, [that means that] I acknowledge and agree that the Law is good (morally excellent) and that I take sides with it.
17 However, it is no longer I who do the deed, but the sin [principle] which is at home in me and has possession of me.
18 For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot perform it. [I have the intention and urge to do what is right, but no power to carry it out.]
19 For I fail to practice the good deeds I desire to do, but the evil deeds that I do not desire to do are what I am [ever] doing.
 20 Now if I do what I do not desire to do, it is no longer I doing it [it is not myself that acts], but the sin [principle] which dwells within me [fixed and operating in my soul].
21 So I find it to be a law (rule of action of my being) that when I want to do what is right and good, evil is ever present with me and I am subject to its insistent demands.
22 For I endorse and delight in the Law of God in my inmost self [with my new nature].
23 But I discern in my bodily members [in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh] a different law (rule of action) at war against the law of my mind (my reason) and making me a prisoner to the law of sin that dwells in my bodily organs [in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh].
24 O unhappy and pitiable and wretched man that I am! Who will release and deliver me from [the shackles of] this body of death?
25 O thank God! [He will!] through Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) our Lord! So then indeed I, of myself with the mind and heart, serve the Law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.

Knowing how hopelessly helpless I am against sin [noun] causes me to be grateful for what the Son of God has done as Jesus the Man.

Romans 5:6 tells me that while I was yet in weakness [powerless to help myself], at the fitting time Christ died for (in behalf of) the ungodly.

If God did not send His only Beloved Son to earth as Jesus the Man from Nazareth to be the Messiah, the Christ, His Anointed One, to undo all the works of the devil in my life [1 John 3:8], I would still be living a life of torment, agony and frustrations every day.

The amazing part lies in the fact that God lifted me out of the tyrannical rulership of satan when I was not even aware I was under such rulership. In fact, I pinned all the blame on God Himself for my sufferings.

Hence Romans 5:10 says, “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more [certain], now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sin’s dominion) through His [resurrection] life.”

Why did God do that? It is because He loves me!

But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.  

What Do You Say
I am always reminded of the question posed by our Lord Jesus Christ: “Who do you yourselves say that I am” [Matthew 16:15, Mark 8:29, Luke 9:20]. These days, I ask myself this question: “Am I regurgitating what other people are saying about Him like a broken record or have I seen Him for myself?”

We don’t have to agree on how the goodness of God has manifested in our respective lives. We need only to agree that God is good; His goodness and faithfulness as seen and demonstrated in His only Beloved Son as Jesus the Man from Nazareth. He Who promised is faithful! [Hebrews 10:23].

Take for instance the centurion [Matthew 8:8] and the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years [Luke 8:44]. The former took Jesus at His Word while the latter needed to take His helm.

Should the two dispute over how the goodness of God was manifested in their respective lives, it would be a never-ending argument. To be entangled in an argument over the manner inevitably distracts us from the Source. It produces unnecessary conflicts as one tries to negate the truth of God’s goodness as manifested in the life of another.

It is not the how but the Who! It is not about the manner but the Source!  

Before the crucifixion and resurrection of God’s only Beloved Son as Jesus the Man from Nazareth, I was not tempted but ordered; the order of satan. I had no choice but to comply. But after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, satan can only tempt but not order. This is because Jesus the Christ has disarmed satan and rendered him powerless to order me.

What remains is the choice I make.

Do I submit to the temptation or do I rise above it with the power that Christ Jesus has died to give me?

This reminds me of the account of the blind man in John 5:8 where Jesus told the blind man to “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk”. To me, it means this: “Don’t lament over my own weaknesses. Use the resurrection power that Christ Jesus has died to give me”.  

What Now
In Christ Jesus is the Promised Land; in Him is the rest.

When pressure is mounting and all odds are against me, God says to find my rest in Him. But I say, “No Lord! It can’t be that simple! It sounds so impractical! I must do something about it!”

So instead of being a Joshua or a Caleb, I ended up like one of the other ten spies. I deemed my problems bigger than Jesus the Christ!

I have done all that I could except going to Christ Jesus. And what did I find?


It was nothing but devastating disappointments and paying a price that I could ill afford.

So what Now?

Christ Jesus, to You I come!

Pack Up!

These songs reminds me so much of Matthew 6:27 and 31.

Pack Up Your Troubles!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

The Lord Jesus Christ is the reason I can be happy!
“Like good little children; Don’t worry, be happy” [Matthew 18:3].

Change the way I think about my life!

God is for me! [Romans 8:31]

If God did not even spare His only Beloved Son in Whom His soul delights, but gave Him up for me, how shall He not also with Him freely and graciously give me all things! [Romans 8:32].

My heavenly Father knows that I have need for all these things but seek first to know what Jesus has done for me because all the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Him. (Matthew 6:31-332 Corinthians 1:20).

When I know what Jesus the Christ has done for me; that He has made me acceptable to God and hence secured all blessings for me, I have peace and joy. [Romans 14:17]

And satan cannot devour me with the shadow of fear that causes me to do things leading to miseries. Perfect love; God’s love for me, casts out all fears [1 John 4:18].

Lord Jesus the Christ ! You’re the Man!  Thank You!

Church History

Church History is an amazing roller coaster ride of revivals through the ages. You cannot fail to be stirred as you consider the awesome moves of God’s Spirit in past decades (and in our own), and the great men and women who have acted as Heaven’s ambassadors.


The Time Line of Christian History

What is a Home to Children?

The Proposition

I believe to the children, a home is the place for them to share their:
  1. Failures 
  2. Fears 
  3. Frustrations 
  4. Grief 
  5. Hurt 
  6. Joy 
  7. Rejections 
  8. Worries 
 In other words, the emotions.

It is a place they can call haven where they can receive:
  1. Acceptance 
  2. Affirmation 
  3. Assurance 
  4. Confirmation 

In short, love.

The Home

Home is not a place of just doing homework and another venue of being told what they have not done right. It is not to be THE breeding ground for rats; to prepare for the senseless rat race.

Home is a place where they can be themselves and find acceptance regardless of their performance. 

How then to teach children right from wrong?

How about presenting the right thing to do as an option and then ask them what they think. In this way, I teach the children how to make decision with a basis and a rationale. This is teaching them how to be reasonable. 

Let the children fully express themselves before presenting any opinions. By so doing, I am letting them know that their opinion matters and are respected. I am validating their emotions and not negating them. It is alright to feel how they feel. 


They feel how they are feeling because of how they have perceived things. Any error lies not in the emotions but in the perception. I correct not their emotions but their perceptions. When the perceptions are right, the proper emotions follow. 

This is changing one's mind or Metanoia in Greek. 

An example: When you believe you have been cheated, do you not feel angry? It is alright to feel angry when cheated. But when you later found out that it was only a misunderstanding, you don't feel angry anymore. 

 It is a matter of perception. 

 The Danger

The danger of negating the emotions of children without addressing the source of the emotions lies in making them feel that being emotional is wrong. Common' all human beings have been created to have emotions! Why should children be any different?

Grace Parenting

By validating their emotions, I make them feel respected and valued. When children feel that, then they will be able to give the same to others. Hence, showing them respect is actually teaching them respect; and making them feel valued is teaching them how to treat people right.

 In the same connection, letting children voice their opinions is also a good way to build up their confidence in expressing themselves.

I think this is one life skill that was lacking in children of my era but increasingly prevalent in children of the 21st century (in Singapore).

Food For Thought

Would my children call their house a home?
Would they be able to find at least one of their parents to share and to receive?

But what about the bread and butter issue? 

The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not lack [Psalm 23:1].

For I know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ in that though He was so very rich, yet for my sake He became so very poor so that by His poverty I might become abundantly supplied [2 Corinthians 8:9]

If God did not even spare his only Beloved Son [Jesus the Christ] in Whom His soul delights, how shall He not also together with Him [Jesus the Christ} freely and graciously give me all things? [Romans 8:32]

Therefore, seek me first Jesus the Christ and all the things I need will be added to me [Matthew 6:33].

For all the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. [2 Corinthians 2:20]

Do that one thing needful; sit at Jesus' feet and listen to His teaching [Luke 10:38-42].

May the Lord bestow me with the gift of faith to do this [Romans 12:3] and to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified [1 Corinthians 2:2].

These thoughts have been inspired by the word repentance.

 "Repentance, as it relates to Christ, means to change our minds about Him, who He is and what He's done to provide forgiveness, and deliverance from our sins. When we place faith in Jesus as having taken our place personally on the cross and borne the penalty due our sins, then we're automatically repenting, because we couldn't accept Him in this way without having to change or minds in some way concerning Him." (From the Liberation of the Planet Earth, by Hal Lindsey. (p. 133).

Believing in Jesus from Nazareth as the Christ or Messiah is an act of faith . This is because it involves no longer thinking of Him as merely the carpentor's son of Nazareth but receiving Him as both Lord (Jehovah) and Messiah. This is repenatnce (Metanoia or change one's mind) about Jesus of Nazaraeth being the Christ and not just a human being.

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Labor Pains

John 16:21-22 likened Jesus' disciples to a woman in labor.
21A woman, when she gives birth to a child, has grief (anguish, agony) because her time has come. But when she has delivered the child, she no longer remembers her pain (trouble, anguish) because she is so glad that a man (a child, a human being) has been born into the world.

22So for the present you are also in sorrow (in distress and depressed); but I will see you again and [then] your hearts will rejoice, and no one can take from you your joy (gladness, delight).

John 16:33 is the epidural:
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]
This series of free pregnancy e-books serves to give an idea of the pregnancy experience. Very suited for men. May this series help in relating better to John 16:21-22 when we experience labor pains in our Christian walk. For a start, may it help the men love and appreciate their wives just that little bit more.
General Survival Tips
Getting Pregnant 1st Trimester Survival Tips
Man's Role During Pregnancy 2nd Trimester Survival Tips
Pregnancy Cook Book 3rd Trimester Survival Tips
1st Pregnancy Trimester Bouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ball 2nd Pregnancy Trimester Bouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ball 3rd Pregnancy Trimester Bouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ballBouncing ball