Note: The article is extracted from Joyce Meyer's "Enjoying Everyday Life" magazine. Be a partner with Joyce Meyer's Ministries and receive a copy on a regular basis.
See how Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, is reaching out to the four corners of the world to help hurting people.
NB: We are not affiliated with Joyce Meyer Ministries. We are sharing what we find beneficial.
Women go through a lot of different stages in pregnancy, some more enjoyable than others. And the stage right before the birth when the pain is so intense that a woman thinks she's going to die - that's when the doctor won't say anything to her but push.
Maybe you're pregnant with a dream or vision from God. SOme of you are in the beginning stages and you're really excited about what God's called you to do. Others are in the waiting stage thinking, When is this thing ever going to take shape? And a few of you are in that painful stage when God's getting ready to deliver a blessing and you need somebody to keep yelling, "Push!" Well, I hope that's what my teaching does for you.
I could not begin to tell you all the times in my life when I wanted to give up on God's vision for me because I honestly felt like I cannot take this anymore! But God gave me the grace to keep going. And I want you to know how important it is for you to keep going too.
I want to see more people who are willing to go through the process even though it takes much longer than they'd like it to take. And I want to encourage you that as a Christian you can do it.
What To Expect When You're...Expecting
Get a new mindset. Plan to wait. Expect your vision to take longer and cost more than you ever thought it would in the beginning. Just get it into your head that no matter how long it takes or how hard it gets, you're going to keep going.
"The way we carry children and give birth to them is a great example of how we'll give birth to everything in our life."
A lot of us try to make things happen quickly. We look for the fastest, easiest way to get things done because we just don't want to wait on God. One of the surest ways to know if you're operating in the flesh is if you're frustrated all the time.
The Bible says it's only by faith and patience that we inherit the promises of God. And you can wear yourself out trying to earn those promises or you can receive them as a free gift through Christ. Many of us will learn this lesson simply by going through it ourselves. But I want you to know there's a better way.
Learning to Live in Reliance on God
You know what I pray for now on a regular basis? I pray for a holy ease. I don't expect everything in my life to be easy. But I believe even in the hard stages of life you can be spiritually at rest. That's when you know God's all over it. The work may be hard, but it's good. And you know in your spirit there's going to be a harvest because you're not trying to do something yourself - you're relying on God.
What did Jesus say? Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest (Matthew 11:28). God's power comes to us freely, enabling us to do with ease what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle and effort.
The Incentive You Need to Keep Pushing
The way we carry children and give birth to them is a great example of how we'll give birth to everything in our life. There's a seed, the stages of preparation, and the transition to a birth - a new thing that's coming. And if you have to go the long, hard way to learn it, which most of us have to do, then so be it.
No matter how long it takes, just know this: God's working with you the way it has to be done, for reasons that only He understands. But God has a good plan in mind. And the last thing you want to do is give up in the middle and miss out on God's reward.
So please, keep on trusting Him. Push!
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